Starting Out

Your early career and wealth creation. You might be in your first job, or a young professional or tradie.


Whether you have been in the workforce for just a short time, are in the early stages of a professional career or starting out as a tradie, getting that first pay packet and feeling financially independent is one of the most exciting times of your life.

It’s also a great time to lay some really valuable building blocks for wealth creation that can make a huge difference as you progress through your professional and personal life.

With few commitments it’s easy for your new-found financial freedom to slip through your fingers. Learning to budget is a life-long lesson and we are here to help set you on the right path in these early years. Downloading a budget app is the first important step in learning to manage your money.

Some small steps now will make a big difference to your life later on.

Take a look at this short humorous video for some great insights and advice.

This is a great time to familiarise yourself with the five key building blocks of wealth creation.

Save and Invest + Grow Your Superannuation + Protect You and Your Wealth with Insurance + Minimise Debt + Minimise Your Tax

1. Saving and Investing

4. Debt

5. Tax

You don’t need a lot of money or a large salary to engage a financial planner. Starting early lays a great foundation for future saving and investment, so you can make the most of your wealth, whatever your life stage, and work towards a financially rewarding retirement.

We help you take care of these five areas and stay on track. We can help you budget, advise on an appropriate superannuation option, set up a savings plan and introduce you to some great strategies that, with a few small steps, will create greater lifetime financial security. You could start a share portfolio, invest in property and maximise your superannuation contributions.

It is also a great time to develop ‘financial literacy’ which means growing your knowledge and understanding of how to build, manage and protect your personal wealth. The building blocks of wealth are laid early in our career and continue through and beyond our income earning years, so proactive strategies in your early working life can make a huge difference later on.

Protecting your wealth

Even at this early stage think about protecting you and your income against the possibility of permanent disability should you lose your job, become ill or have a serious accident and be unable to work. Do you know that with income protection insurance you can receive up to 75% of your salary should the unexpected happen?

It will cost you nothing to have an obligation free chat with us. We can show you what a difference we can make to your financial future. Simply call us or send us an email using the prompts below.

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